Doctoral Thesis, (includes 4 original papers and a synopsis)
Heinonen, A. 2012. Isotopic evidence for the origin of Proterozoic massif-type anorthosites and their relation to rapakivi granites in southern Finland and northern Brazil. Department of Geosciences and Geography A, no. A18, vol. 2012, Department of geosciences and geography, Helsinki.
Master's thesis
Heinonen, A. 2007. Suomalaisen rapakiviassosiaation petrogeneettisen tulkinnan tarkennus LA-MC-ICP-MS-menetelmällä tehtyjen zirkonin Lu-Hf määritysten avulla. University Helsinki. (In Finnish: Refinement of the petrogenetic interpretation of the Finnish rapakivi suite by LA-MC-ICP-MS Lu-Hf measurements of zircon)
BBA thesis
Heinonen, A. 2024. Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen (GTK) rooli mineraalialan innovaatioekosysteemeissä. South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. (In Finnish: The role of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) in the mineral industry innovation ecosystems)
Peer-reviewed articles18. Heinonen, A., Rantanen, H., Iles, K. & Mikkola, P. 2024. Peraluminous I-type magmatism of the postkinematic Heinävesi suite in southern Savonia: Petrological constraints from the Suvasvesi intrusion. (in preparation)
17. Karvinen, S., Heinonen, A., Beier, C. & Jöns, N. 2024. The composition of apatite in the Archean Siilinjärvi glimmerite-carbonatite complex in eastern Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 96: 5-34. https://doi.org/10.17741/bgsf/96.1.001
16. Tiira,T. Janik, T., Veikkolainen, T., Komminaho, K., Skrzynik, T., Väkevä, S. & Heinonen, A. 2022. Implications on crustal structure from the South Finland Coastal (SOFIC) deep seismic sounding profile. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 94:165-180. https://doi.org/10.17741/bgsf/94.2.004
14. Heinonen, J.S., Iles, K.A., Heinonen, A., Fred, R., Virtanen, V.J., Bohrson, W.A. & Spera, F.J. 2021. From Binary Mixing to Magma Chamber Simulator: Geochemical modeling of assimilation in magmatic systems. In Crustal Magmatic System Evolution (eds. M. Masotta, C. Beier & S. Mollo). AGU Geophysical Monograph Series 264: 151-176 https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119564485.ch7 (Alternative doi: 10.1002/essoar.10504606.1)
13. Fred, R., Heinonen, A. & Heinonen, J.S. 2020. Equilibrium crystallization of massif-type anorthosite residual melts - A case study from the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto complex southeastern Finland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175:86. doi: 10.1007/s00410-020-01726-9
12. Tepsell, J., Rämö, O.T., Heinonen, A., Lahaye, Y., Haapala, P., Halkoaho, T., Heinonen, J.S., Höytiä, H., Konnunaho, J. & Järvinen, V. 2020. Some new insights into the geochronology of the Western Karelia Subprovince, Finnish Lapland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 92(1):5-17. doi: 10.17741/bgsf/92.1.001
11. Tiira,T. Janik, T., Skrzynik, T., Komminaho, K.,Heinonen, A., Veikkolainen, T., Väkevä, S. & Korja, A. 2020. Full-scale crustal interpretation of Kokkola-Kymi (KOKKY) seismic profile, Fennoscandian Shield. Pure and Applied Geophysics. doi: 10.1007/s00024-020-02459-3
10. Heinonen A., Kivisaari, H. & Michallik, R.M. 2020. High-aluminum orthopyroxene megacrysts (HAOM) in the Ahvenisto complex, SE Finland and the polybaric crystallization of massif-type anorthosites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175:10. doi: 10.1007/s00410-019-1648-5
9. Fred, R., Heinonen, A. & Heikkilä, P. 2019. Tracing the styles of mafic-felsic magma interaction: A case study from the Ahvenisto igneous complex, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, vol 91, pp. 5-33. doi: 10.17741/bgsf/91.1.001
8. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri, I., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Larjamo, K. 2017. Zircon as a proxy for the magmatic evolution of Proterozoic ferroan granites; the Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith, SE Finland. Journal of Petrology vol 58, issue 12, pp. 2493-2517. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egy014
7. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri, I., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Larjamo, K. 2016. A priori evidence for zircon antecryst entrainment in megacrystic Proterozoic granites. Geology vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 227-230. doi: 10.1130/G37696.1
6. Heinonen, A., Andersen, T., Rämö, O.T. & Whitehouse, M. 2015. The source of Proterozoic anorthosite and rapakivi granite magmatism: Evidence from combined in situ Hf–O isotopes of zircon in the Ahvenisto complex, southeastern Finland. Geological Society. Journal, vol. 172, no. 1, pp. 103-112. doi: 10.1144/jgs2014-013
5. Rämö, O.T., Turkki, V., Mänttäri, I., Heinonen, A., Larjamo, K.M. & Lahaye, Y. 2014. Age and isotopic fingerprints of some plutonic rocks in the Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith with special reference to the dark wiborgite of the Ristisaari Island. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, vol 86, no. 2, pp. 71-91.
4. McLemore, V., Rämö, O.T., Heizler, M. & Heinonen, A. 2012. Intermittent Proterozoic Plutonic Magmatism and Neoproterozoic Cooling History in the Caballo Mountains, Sierra County, New Mexico; Preliminary Results. in Geology of the Warm Springs Region, pp. 235-248.
3. Heinonen, A., Fraga, L., Rämö, O.T., Dall'Agnol, R., Mänttäri, I. & Andersen. T 2012. Petrogenesis of the igneous Mucajaí AMG complex, northern Amazonian craton: Geochemical, U–Pb geochronological, and Nd–Hf–O isotopic constraints. Lithos, vol 151, pp. 17-34. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2011.07.016
2. Heinonen, A., Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I., Johanson, B. & Alviola, R. 2010. Formation and fractionation of High-Al tholeiitic magmas in the Ahvenisto rapakivi granite - massif-type anorthosite complex, southeastern Finland. Canadian Mineralogist, vol 48, no. 4, pp. 969-990. doi: 10.3749/canmin.48.4.969
1. Heinonen, A., Andersen, T. & Rämö, O.T. 2010. Re-evaluation of Rapakivi Petrogenesis: Source Constraints from the Hf Isotope Composition of Zircon in the Rapakivi Granites and Associated Mafic Rocks of Southern Finland. Journal of Petrology, vol 51, no. 8, pp. 1687-1709. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egq035
Unrefereed scientific publications (including edited conference proceedings)
9. Heinonen, A. 2024. Preface. In: Michaux, S. P. 2024. Estimation of the quantity of metals to phase out fossil fuels in a full system replacement, compared to mineral resources. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 416.
8. Heinonen, A. & Raevaara, T. 2012. Yliopistojen kolmas tehtävä jää vaille toteutusta ja tukea. Tieteessä tapahtuu, vol 30, no. 5, pp. 3-8. (In Finnish, A commentary article on communication of scientific results to broader audiences and the role of science journalism in research)
7. Kotilainen, A., Luttinen, A., Mertanen, S., Tuusjärvi, M., Arppe, L., Heinonen, A. & Kaislaniemi, L. 2011. Suomen Geologisen Seuran 125-vuotisjuhlaekskursio 28.9.-1.10.2011: Ekskursio-opas. (In Finnish, A field trip guide for the 125th anniversary of the Geological Society of Finland)
6. Heinonen, A. 2010. Introduction to the rapakivi granites and associated rocks of southeastern Finland. in A. Heinonen, S. Lukkari & T. Rämö (eds.), Guide to the IGCP-510 (A-type Granites and Related Rocks Through Time) Field Trip, Southwestern Finland, July 14-18, 2010. Publications of the Department of Geosciences and Geography C3, pp. 8-12.
5. Heinonen, A. 2010. The Ahvenisto AMCG complex - updates and recent discoveries. in A. Heinonen, S. Lukkari & T. Rämö (eds.), Guide to the IGCP-510 (A-type Granites and Related Rocks Through Time) Field Trip, Southwestern Finland, July 14-18, 2010. Department of Geosciences and Geography C3, Department of geosciences and geography, Helsinki, pp. 18-21.
4. Veikkolainen, T., Heinonen, A., Pesonen, L.J., Fraga, L.M., Rämö, O.T. & Dall'Agnol, R. 2011. Mucajaí-kompleksin (Pohjois-Amazonia, Brasilia) paleomagnetismista. XXV GEOFYSIIKAN PÄIVÄT, abstracts pp. 121-124. (In Finnish)
3. Heinonen, A., Lukkari, S. & Rämö, T. (eds.) 2010. Guide to the IGCP-510 (A-type Granites and Related Rocks Through Time) Field Trip, Southwestern Finland, July 14-18, 2010. Publications of the Department of Geosciences and Geography C3.
2. Rämö, O.T., Lukkari, S. & Heinonen, A. (eds.) 2010. International Conference on A-type Granites and Related Rocks through Time (IGCP-510); Helsinki, Finland, August 18-20, 2010, Abstract Volume. Publications of the Department of Geosciences and Geography C2.
1. Heilimo, E., Vetrin, V.R., Halla, J., Kurhila, M., Rämö, O.T. & Heinonen, A. (eds.) 2009. Eurogranites 2009 - ARCTIC: Field Conference Guide, August 15th to 22nd, 2009. University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Geography.
Articles in professional journals
29. Heinonen, A., 2023. Tarvitsemme tieteellisiä läpimurtoja – löytyykö apu tutkimuslaitoksista? Online article at MustRead.fi (in Finnish)
28. Heinonen, A., 2022. Lyhyt opas kivilajien tunnistamiseen luonnossa. Kivi-lehti, 2/2022, p. 10-25. (in Finnish)
27. Seitsamo-Ryynänen, M. & Heinonen, A., 2022. Geo-osaaja 2030 -kyselyn alustavia tuloksia. Geologi, vol 74, p. 33-36. (In Finnish)
26. Heinonen, A., 2021. Book review: Sukellusohjeet syvään aikaan (Ialenti, V., 2020. Deep Time Reckoning). Geologi, vol 73, p. 100-102. (In Finnish)
25. Heinonen, A. & Seitsamo-Ryynänen, M., 2021. FIN-GEO-koulutusyhteistyöverkosto on aloittanut toimintansa. Geologi, vol 73, p. 56-57. (In Finnish)
24. Heinonen, A. 2021. Korona-ajan kenttäkurssilla Itä-Helsingissä. Geologi, vol 73, p. 41-42. (In Finnish)
23. Heinonen, A., 2019. Kide ja liekki - Italo Calvino ja termodynamiikan estetiikka. Geologi, vol 71, p. 76-87. (In Finnish)
22. Heinonen, A., Aalto, A.J., Väkevä, S., Heikkinen, P.J. and Korja, A., 2017. OpenFIRE – Suomen syvyydet avataan verkkoon. Geologi, vol 70, p. 92–97. (In Finnish)
21. Heinonen, A., 2016. Book review: Perinpohjaisesti graniiteista (Nédélec & Bouchez, 2015. Granites). Geologi, vol 69, no. 2, p. 70-71. (In Finnish)
20. Niinikoski, P., Heinonen, A., Riihimäki, H. 2016. Kokousraportti maailman suurimmasta geotieteellisestä konferenssista, A report from the AGU Fall Meeting 14.-18.12.2015, San Francisco. Geologi, vol 69, no. 1, p. 14-19. (In Finnish)
19. Heinonen, A. 2015. Keskenjääneitä purkauksia ja onnistuneita intruusioita. Geologi, vol 68, no. 6, p. 166-169. (In Finnish)
18. Heinonen, A. 2014. Editorial: Reductio ad Plumem. Geologi, vol 66, no. 6, pp. 123. (In Finnish)
17. Heinonen, A. 2014. Editorial: Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä. Geologi, vol 66, no. 5, pp. 107. (In Finnish)
16. Heinonen, A. 2014. Editorial: Onko geologi tieteilijä?. Geologi, vol 66, no. 4, pp. 79. (In Finnish)
15. Heinonen, A. 2014. Editorial: SGS ja Geologia.fi -portaali aloittavat yhteistyön. Geologi, vol 66, no. 3, pp. 51. (In Finnish)
14. Heinonen, A. 2014. Editorial: Jätätkö jäljen? Geologi, vol 66, no. 2, pp. 27. (In Finnish)
13. Heinonen, A. 2013. Editorial: Syvän ajan käsite on geologian tärkein saavutus. Geologi, vol 65, no. 6, pp. 163. (In Finnish)
12. Heinonen, A. 2013. Editorial: Tutkitko suomeksi? Keskustelua suomalaisen tieteen kielestä. Geologi, vol 65, no. 5, pp. 131. (In Finnish)
11. Heinonen, A. 2013. Editorial: Miksi Geologi-lehdessä ei käydä tieteellistä(kään) keskustelua? Geologi, vol 65, no. 4, pp. 99. (In Finnish)
10. Kultti, S., Rämö, T., Kotilainen, M., Heinonen, J. & Heinonen, A. 2013. Tohtorin tutkinto neljässä vuodessa: Geologian valtakunnallisen tohtoriohjelman ohjaustyöpajojen satoa. Geologi, vol 65, no. 3, pp. 69-79. (In Finnish)
9. Heinonen, A. 2013. Editorial: Onko sinulla jo SLO? Geologi, vol 65, no. 3, pp. 67. (In Finnish)
8. Heinonen, A. 2013. Editorial. Geologi, vol 65, no. 2, pp. 35. (In Finnish)
7. Heinonen, A. 2012. Book-review: Kotimaisen geotieteen leveä kärki. Geologi, vol 64, no. 6, pp. 174-175. (In Finnish)
6. Heinonen, A. 2012. Hoivaava äiti maa vai syöjätär Medeia?: Book-review, Tim Flannery, Here on Earth. Geologi, vol 64, pp. 114-116. (In Finnish)
5. Heinonen, A. 2010. Oppi-isien synnit ja virheet. Geologi, vol 62, no. 4, pp. 148-151. (In Finnish)
4. Heinonen, A., Heilimo, E., Halla, J., Kurhila., M & Rämö, T. 2009. Eurogranites ARCTIC 2009 pohjoinen kenttäkonferenssi. Geologi, vol 61, no. 6, pp. 168-177. (In Finnish)
3. Heinonen, A. 2009. Geotieteellisen viestinnän viitekehys, ongelmia vapailla mielikuvamarkkinoilla. Geologi, vol 61, no. 2, pp. 39-41. (In Finnish)
2. Heinonen, A. & Rämö, T. 2008. Fennoskandiasta viidakkoon – rapakiviä “Brasilian Lapissa”. Geologi, vol 61, no. 3, pp. 58-67. (In Finnish)
1. Heinonen, A. 2007. Seuran jäsenten retki Suursaareen. Geologi, vol 59, no. 4, pp. 124-127. (In Finnish)
Conference abstracts
53. Karvinen, S., Beier, C. & Heinonen, A., 2024. Apatite in the Sokli carbonatite complex, Finland. EGU24 Abstracts.
52. Karvinen, S., Cutts, K., Beier, C. & Heinonen, A., 2024. In situ geochronology of apatite, calcite, monazite in the Siilinjärvi glimmeritecarbonatite complex, Finland. In: Heinonen, J.S. (ed.) (2024) Abstracts of the 2nd GeoDays, 12th–14th March 2024, Turku, Finland. Proceedings of the Geological Society of Finland, vol. 4., 24.
51. Heinonen, A., 2024. From exploitation of natural resources to utilization of raw materials. In: Heinonen, J.S. (ed.) (2024) Abstracts of the 2nd GeoDays, 12th–14th March 2024, Turku, Finland. Proceedings of the Geological Society of Finland, vol. 4., 15.
50. Heinonen, A., Rantanen, H., Iles, K. & Mikkola, P., 2023. Peraluminous I-type magmatism of the postkinematic Heinävesi suite in southern Savonia: Petrological constraints from the Suvasvesi intrusion. Abstracts of The 1st GeoDays Colloquium at University of Helsinki, 14.-17.3.2023.
49. Fred, R., Heinonen, J.S., Heinonen, A. & Bohrson, W., 2021. Thermodynamic Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Massif-type Anorthosites and Their Parental Magmas. Proceedings of the Geological Society of Finland, Volume 2, Abstracts of The 6th Finnish National Colloquium of Geosciences, p. 8.
48. Karvinen, S., Heinonen, A. & Beier, C., 2021. Apatite composition in the Siilinjärvi glimmerite-carbonatite complex, eastern Finland. Proceedings of the Geological Society of Finland, Volume 2, Abstracts of The 6th Finnish National Colloquium of Geosciences, p. 18.
47. Meinander, O., Piedehierro, A., Welti, A., Kouznetsov, R., Heinonen, A., Viisanen, Y. & Laaksonen, A., 2021. Saharan dust transported and deposited in Finland on February 23rd, 2021. EAC 2021 Abstracts
46. Fred, R., Heinonen, A. & Heinonen, J. S., 2021. The Origin and Melt Evolution of Massif-type Anorthosite Parental Magmas: Thermodynamically Controlled Major Element Constraints. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021.
45. Karvinen, S., Heinonen, A. & Beier, C. 2021. Apatite as a tracer for magmatic-hydrothermal ore-forming processes. Online workshop I, 25th February 2021. Project KO5125 Arctic Layered Intrusions as a Source of Critical Metals for Green Economy European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Kolarctic 2014-2020.
44. Aaltonen, M.A., Beier, C., Abersteiner, A. & Heinonen, A.P., 2021. Trace element and platinum group element distribution in chromites: constraints on mineral chemical tracers in mafic-ultramafic host lithologies. in Kukkonen, et al. (Eds.), Lithosphere 2021 –Eleventh Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, January 19-20, 2021. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-71, 164 p.
43. Fred, F., Heinonen, A. & Heinonen, J.S., 2021. Fractional crystallization of massif-type anorthosite parental magmas and equilibrium crystallization of monzodioritic residual magmas. in Kukkonen, et al. (Eds.), Lithosphere 2021 –Eleventh Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, January 19-20, 2021. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-71, 164 p.
42. Karvinen, S., Heinonen, A. & Beier, C. 2021. The trace element composition of magmatic apatite: Mineralogical and geological controls on apatite trace element chemistry in magmatic systems. in Kukkonen, et al. (Eds.), Lithosphere 2021 –Eleventh Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, January 19-20, 2021. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-71, 164 p.
41. Fred, R., Heinonen, A. & Heinonen, J.S. 2020. Equilibrium crystallization of massif-type anorthosite residual melts. GSA Cordilleran Section 116th Annual Meeting, Abstracts.
40. Fred, R., Heinonen, A. & Heinonen, J.S. 2019. Parental magma composition of the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto massif-type anorthosite, Finland. Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Abstracts.
39. Heinonen, J.S., Iles, K., Heinonen, A., Fred, R. & Virtanen, V. 2019. Assimilation and its geochemical modeling in magmatic systems. Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Abstracts.
38. Fred, R., Virtanen, V.J., Heinonen, A., Heinonen, J.S. & Iles, K.A. 2019. Constraining assimilation in magmatic systems. In: Kalliomäki, H. (ed.), Abstract book, 5th Finnish International Colloquium of Geosciences, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special Volume 2, Helsinki,17
37. Fred, R.M., Ruhanen, K., Heinonen, A. & Heinonen, J.S. 2019. Mafic-felsic interaction, crystallization conditions, and parental magma composition of the Ahvenisto anorthosite.
In: Kalliomäki, H. (ed.), Abstract book, 5th Finnish International Colloquium of Geosciences, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special Volume 2, Helsinki, 19
36. Markkanen, M. & Heinonen, A. 2019. Petrography and mineral chemistry of the Kuohenmaa orbicular rock from Kangasala. In: Kalliomäki, H. (ed.), Abstract book, 5th Finnish International Colloquium of Geosciences, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special Volume 2, Helsinki, 42
35. Väkevä, L.S.O., Tiira, T., Janik, T., Veikkolainen, T.H.K., Skrzynik,T., Heinonen, A.P., Komminaho, K.J. & Korja, A. 2018. Refraction seismic studies along the Kokkola-Kymi transect, Central Fennoscandia. Lithosphere 2018, Tenth symposium on structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere. Programme and extended abstracts. Oulu: Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Vol. 10, 127-130
34. Fred, R.M., Virtanen, V.J., Heinonen, J.S. & Heinonen, A. 2018. Refining the thermodynamic and geochemical understanding of magmatic systems: Two new PhD projects at the University of Helsinki. In: Skyttä, P. and Eklund, O. (eds.), Abstract book, 4th Finnish International Colloquium of Geosciences Turku, 14–15 March 2018. Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, 21–22.
33. Väkevä, S., Aalto, A.J., Heikkinen, P.J., Heinonen, A. & Korja, A., 2017. OpenFIRE – A Web GIS Service for Distributing the Finnish Reflection Experiment Datasets. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-7099, 2017, EGU General Assembly 2017.
32. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri, I., Rämö, O.T., Larjamo, K., 2017. Deciphering the evolution of rapakivi magmas from mineral inclusions in alkali feldspar megacrysts and zircon. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017–7447, EGU General Assembly 2017.
31. Heinonen, A., Aalto, A.J., Väkevä, S., Heikkinen, P.J. & Korja, A., 2017. OpenFIRE: developing a web service for the Finnish Reflection Experiment (FIRE) datasets. Abstract Book, 3rd Finnish National Colloquium of Geosciences, Espoo, 15–16 March 2017, Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Guide 63, 32–33.
30. Heinonen, A., Aalto, A.J., Väkevä, S., Heikkinen, P.J. & Korja, A., 2017. OpenFIRE – GIS-pohjainen verkkopalvelu heijastusseismisen FIRE (Finnish Reflection Experiment) -aineiston jakamiseksi. Teoksessa: Veikkolainen, T., Tuomi, L., Korja, T., Suomi, I., Nordman, M., Bilker-Koivula, M. ja Väkevä, S. (toim.). XXVIII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 18.–19.5.2017, Geofysiikan seura, 22–25.
29. Aalto, A.J., Heikkinen, P.J., Heinonen, A., Korja, A. & Väkevä, S. 2016. OpenFIRE - enhancing the accessibility of the Finnish Reflection Experiment data products. Programme and extended abstracts of the ninth Symposium on the structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere in Fennoscandia, Espoo, November 9-11, 2016, pp. 1-4.
28. Heinonen, A., Rämö, O.T. & Larjamo, K. 2016. Micro drill sampling in in situ mineral analysis. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2016, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts.
27. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri I., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Larjamo, K. 2016. The age of the Wiborg batholith. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2016, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts.
26. Fred, R., Heinonen, A. & Heikkilä, P. 2016. Net-veined and pillow structures in the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto complex, southeastern Finland. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2016, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts.
25. Kivisaari, H. & Heinonen, A. 2016. Polybaric crystallization of the Ahvenisto anorthosite. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2016, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts.
24. Larjamo, K., Heinonen, A. & Rämö, O.T. 2016. Rapakivi texture in the Wiborg batholith. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2016, Helsinki, Finland. Abstracts.
23. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri I., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Larjamo, K. 2015. Evaluation of zircon entrainment in megacrystic granites by micro drill sampling and high-precision in situ U-Pb geochronology. AGU Fall Meeting 2015. Abstracts.
22. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri, I., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Larjamo, K. 2015. The effect of zircon entrainment in alkali feldspar on U-Pb geochronology of rapakivi granites of the Wiborg batholith, southeastern Finland. The 8th Hutton Symposium on granites and related rocks, Florianopolis, Brazil. Abstracts, PT009.
21. Larjamo, K., Heinonen, A. & Rämö, O.T. 2015. New light on the origin of rapakivi texture in the Wiborg batholith of southeastern Finland. 2nd Finnish National colloquium of Geosciences Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Geography C10, p. 27.
20. Kivisaari, H., Heinonen, A. & Michallick, R.M. 2015. Deep origin of the Proterozoic Ahvenisto anorthosite. 2nd Finnish National colloquium of Geosciences Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Geography C10, p. 24.
19. Heinonen, A., McLemore, V.T., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Mänttäri, I. 2015. Geochronology and geochemistry of the 1066–1086 Little Hatchet rapakivi granite – gabbro pluton, New Mexico, USA. 2nd Finnish National colloquium of Geosciences Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Geography C10, p. 18.
18. Heinonen, A., Mänttäri, I., Larjamo, K. & Rämö, O.T. 2015. Rapakivi zircon: U-Pb age patterns, chemical composition, and morphology as petrogenetic indicators. 2nd Finnish National colloquium of Geosciences Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Geography C10, p. 17.
17. Heinonen, A., McLemore, V.T., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T. & Mänttäri, I. 2014. Geochemistry of the 1066 Ma Little Hatchet rapakivi granite – gabbro pluton, New Mexico, USA. Goldchmidt 2014 conference abstracts.
16. Rämö, O.T., Larjamo, K.M., Andersen, T., Heinonen A., Mänttäri, I. & Karvonen, T. 2014. The Lanskeri rhyolite dike, Wiborg batholith, Eastern Gulf of Finland: In situ U-Pb- and LuHf-in-zircon isotope geochemistry. Finnish National colloquium of Geosciences Abstracts. Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo.
15. Heinonen, A., Kivisaari, H., Fred, R., Michallik, R.M. & Heikkilä, P. 2014. High-aluminum orthopyroxene megacrysts (HAOM) in the 1.64 Ga Ahvenisto rapakivi granite – massif-type anrothosite complex. Finnish National colloquium of Geosciences Abstracts. Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo.
14. Larjamo, K., Michallik, R., Rämö, O.T. & Heinonen, A. 2013. Anatomy of a rapakivi ovoid from the Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith, southeastern Finland. National geological colloquium 2013 Abstracts. Department of Geosciences, University of Oulu.
13. Rämö, O. T., Barnes, M.A., Larjamo, K., Lahaye, Y., Michallik, R., Barnes, C.G. & Heinonen, A.P. 2012. Major and trace element and lead isotope composition of rapakivi feldspar: New data from the locus classicus Wiborg batholith, Finland. AGU, Fall meeting 2012 abstracts.
12. McLemore, V.T., Heinonen, A., Rämö, O.T., Andersen, T., & Mänttäri, I., 2012. 1100 Ma rapakivi granites, Little Hatchet Mountains, southwestern New Mexico. The Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section - 64th Annual Meeting (9–11 May 2012) Abstracts.
11. Heinonen A., Rämö, O.T., McLemore, V.T., Andersen, T. & Mänttäri, I. 2011. Subdividing the Proterozoic Central Mazatzal Province: Hf-O isotopes of zircon from Mesoproterozoic granites and associated rocks of southern New Mexico and Arizona. VII Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks, Avila, Spain, 4-9 July 2011, s. 67–68.
10. Veikkolainen, T., Heinonen, A., Pesonen, L. J., Fraga, L. M., Rämö, O. T. & Dall'Agnol, R. 2011. Mucajaí-kompleksin (Pohjois-Amazonia, Brasilia) paleomagnetismista. XXV GEOFYSIIKAN PÄIVÄT, Abstract volume, s. 121–124. (in Finnish)
9. Heinonen, A., Fraga, L.M., Rämö, O.T., Dall’Agnol, R., and Mänttäri, I. 2010. Zircon δ18O signatures as a petrogenetic proxy for the AMCG suite rocks of southeastern Finland and northern Brazil. International Conference on A-type Granites and Related Rocks through Time (IGCP-510) Helsinki, Finland, August 18-20, 2010, Abstract Volume. Department of Geosciences and Geography C2
8. Heinonen, A., Fraga, L.M., Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I., and Dall'Agnol, R. 2010. The age and tectonic signifigance of the Mucajaí anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite complex, northern Brazil.
National geological colloquium 2010 Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, C1, p.11.
7. Heinonen, A. 2010. The deep time concept in geoscientific communication. National geological colloquium 2010 Abstracts. Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, C1, p.10.
6. Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I., Harju, S., Luttinen, A.V., Kohonen, J. & Heinonen, A.P. 2010. Supracrustal rocks associated with the Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith, southeastern Finland and vicinity. 29th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Oslo, January 11-13, 2010. NGF abstracts and proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway 1. Trondheim: Norsk Geologisk Forening, 167-168.
5. Heinonen, A.P., Fraga, L.M., Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I. & Dall’Agnol, R. 2009. The Proterozoic Mucajaí complex, Guyana shield – AMCG status established! AGU, Fall meeting 2009 abstracts V51C-1688.
4. Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I., Harju, S., Luttinen, A.V., Kohonen, J. & Heinonen, A.P. 2009. Volcanism Associated With the Proterozoic Wiborg Rapakivi Granite Batholith. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract GA11A-02.
3. Heinonen, A., Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I., Johanson B.S. & Alviola, R. 2009. Two-stage fractionation of a high-Al tholeiitic melt in the Ahvenisto complex southeastern Finland. 6th National Geological Colloquium Program and Abstracts, Publications of the Department of Geology A3, University of Helsinki, s. 19.
2. Heinonen, A., Rämö, O.T., Mänttäri, I., Alviola, R. & Johanson B.S. 2008. The Ahvenisto rapakivi granite-massif-type anorthosite complex in SE Finland; Preliminary isotopic results. GAC-MAC Quebec 2008, Abstracts volume 33, s.71-72.
1. Heinonen, A. 2007. The Origin of Massif-type anorthosites and their relation to Proterozoic A-type (rapakivi) granites – Tutkimusprojektkin esittely. Geologian 5. tutkijapäivät 6.-8.3.2007 Ohjelma ja esitysten tiivistelmät, Publications of the Department of Geology A2, University of Helsinki, s. 50-51. (in Finnish)
Professional handbook
Heinonen, A. & Karvonen, T. 2009, Käytännön kenttätyöturvallisuus: Opas turvalliseen maastotyöskentelyyn. Vasara Ry (In Finnish, A field work safety guide for undergraduate students)
Popular monograph
Heinonen, A. 2012, Totta vai tiedettä: Kirjoitukset 2009–2011. Unigrafia, Helsinki, 264 p. (In Finnish, Collected popular scientific writings from the years 2009–2011)
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